We have just begun our third week of school. I like to start at the beginning of August so we can finish at the end of April or beginning of May. It is a little more relaxing to have a month or so of school before all of our other activities pick up. That way we are not feeling rushed to get our school work done before heading out the door to dance lessons or soccer practice. Besides, it is normally too hot to do much outside in August in Texas. This also gives us a chance to take a fall vacation (like a Disney Cruise!) when everyone else is back in school, crowds are lighter, prices are cheaper, and the weather is nicer.
One of my goals for this year is to be a little more flexible. I normally have every subject planned out for the entire year, including readers, read alouds, science projects, writing lessons and projects, and history lessons. I like to be able to check off these things as they get done, and I feel like if I planned it we must do it. So instead of having every day of every week planned out, I have a general plan of things we want to cover, and I will just plan it out week by week. That way if a subject or project comes up that we want to spend more time on we can do it. I know that my kids will never remember every date and event that we cover in history, but I want them to have fond memories of learning. I want to focus more on instilling a love of learning and not on stressing out about not covering every page in every book. Besides, having a 2-year old in the house while school is going on demands a little more flexibility on my part.
Another big goal for this year is to go to weekday Mass regularly. When I went to Catholic school growing up we went to Mass every Friday. I know many homeschoolers who make it to daily Mass with several more kids than I have. And I discovered this summer that I can take Luke to morning Mass, and he does pretty well. Our plan is to go every Wednesday at 8:00AM. So far, so good.
The boys have had great attitudes, have been at their desks to start on time, and have done a good job getting their work done. I know we will have our rough days, but it is nice to start out on the right foot.
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