"There comes a time in every rightly constructed boy's life when he has a raging desire to go somewhere and dig for hidden treasure." - Mark Twain

Thursday, March 15, 2012

AW 365 Is Complete!

Since March 8, 2011 I've been working on a photography project.  I named it "AW 365" because my goal was to take a photo every day for a year. (It actually turned into 367 photos due to leap year and I wanted my last picture to show some closure, so it ran from 3/8/11 to 3/8/12, a total of 367 days.)  I loved it.  It gave me a chance to take pictures of everyday things that I would never photograph - my favorite coffee cup, our house during each of the seasons, piles of laundry, soccer practice.  Also to keep it from getting boring I tried some techniques that I don't normally use, like different angles and trying different modes on my camera.  Now that it's over I'm both relieved and sad.  It's nice not to have to come up with a photo for every day, but I'm so glad I did it.  I find myself thinking "That would be a great photo of the day." even though it is done.  I will probably do another similar project in the future, maybe a 365 project in black and white, or maybe a week in my life.  For now I'm taking a little break from the scheduled and structured and just photographing when I want to.

My first photo from 3-8-11

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